Karen will succeed Mr Ben Jeacocke as Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School at Camberwell Grammar School and was the unanimous choice of the selection panel following a search which attracted an impressive field of candidates from around Australia.

Karen is currently Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School at Shelford Girls’ Grammar where she has been since 2020. In her current role, she oversees the education, welfare, development and conduct of all Senior School students. Karen also ensures the effective and timely provision of wellbeing services to students and families, as well as being responsible for the School’s pastoral care program. She is an experienced educator and senior leader, having worked at a number of schools over the past twenty-five years, including MLC, Tintern, Carey and Scotch College. She has a Bachelor of Education and Master of Education from the University of Melbourne and is an accredited Coach for Education Leaders.

In her own words, Karen is ‘committed to building a strong foundation for all students in her care, empowering them to make meaningful contributions both within and beyond the school gates.’ She is a passionate classroom teacher, who believes in a holistic approach to education, where wellbeing and learning are seamlessly intertwined. Her dedication to this philosophy makes her an excellent fit for our community.

Married to Rohan and the mother of two teenage daughters, Karen enjoys travel and is also a passionate reader, finding joy in both classic and contemporary literature. She is a keen baker and also enjoys tending to her garden.

Karen will visit Camberwell Grammar School later this year to begin getting to know our School and to receive a handover, but she will have the advantage of working closely with Mr Jeacocke into the future. They will make a great team, and the School will be in good hands moving forward.

Please join me in welcoming Karen and her family into our learning community. We look forward to welcoming her in person early in the New Year.

Dr Paul Hicks
